Anyone that runs a PVR like program this includes TVHEADEND,  Streamio, GetChannels, xteve, HDHomerun ect.. Please know that none of these are supported by the services we currently sell, These are used to get around the ip locks that are added by the services. If you get caught running one of these programs and get banned there will be no refund made or new account made.


These programs will never be supported by any type of service due to the IP'S not being logged by the service, And on another note PVR'S like this dont drop the connection as soon as you change to another channel the connection can something be there for upto 3 min after you leave your current channel your on. So if you say have 3 connections and change channels 3 times fast there is a good chance your now over your connections for the service and could get banned for this also.


This will be the only time we post about PVR'S.. So please take my advice and just don't use them..

Montag, November 25, 2024

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